Activity / Experiment: Blanch & Shock Vegetables

Your vegetables are piling up in your refrigerator, and you’re worried they’re going to go bad. Learn to preserve them by cooking them partially before storing. Blanch & shock is the process in which you briefly cook an ingredient in heat (blanch), and quickly stop the cooking by putting it into ice water (shock).

Why blanch & shock your vegetables?

  • It’s a great way to partially pre-cook meals for later on in the week
  • It gives your vegetables beautiful, vibrant color
  • Makes peeling vegetables easier
  • Prolongs storage life of vegetables, so you won’t have to worry about eating them quickly!

Materials Needed:

  • Bowl
  • Salt
  • Ice
  • Spoon
  • Pot
  • Marker
  • Vegetable(s)
  • Freezer
  • Ziplock bag(s)
  • Stove
  • Knife
  • Colander


  1. Boil water with a teaspoon of salt
  2. Julienne your vegetable of choice (cut it into short, thin strips, or smaller chunks)
  3. Once the water is boiled, place the cut vegetable in the pot, and cook until the vegetable is bright green and tender (but not mushy!)
  4. Drain the vegetable in the colander
  5. Shock the vegetables in a bowl of water and ice
  6. Package the vegetable and label with the date
  7. Put it in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or in the freeze until you’re ready to use it



The Randall’s Island Park Alliance, in partnership with SCAN-Harbor’s Get Healthy, East Harlem initiative, is excited to help connect visitors to family-friendly virtual online content. Explore and have fun with their easily accessible, interactive, and educational programming.